Choosing No-Code Tools

The no-code landscape is changing rapidly. And, thus, choosing your toolset can be a daunting task.

In our view, we can break down the landscape as follows:

Code Accessibility

App Types

  • Tools whose primary purpose is building out websites – eg: Webflow
  • Tools whose primary purpose is building out business focused PWAs (progressive web apps) – eg: & Retool
  • Tools whose primary purpose is building out mobile apps – eg: DraftBit
  • Tools that act in supporting roles or to glue things together – eg: Zapier, Membership SaaS, Marketing SaaS etc.

Deployment Philosophy

  • Tools that offer integrated hosting and deployment – eg:
  • Tools that are design only and you can host them whereever you like – eg: Wappler.

In the fast moving no-code world, tools are morphing rapidly. For example, WebFlow is likely to quickly become something that you build business focused solutions on similar to Bubble.

So, when you work with your agency, make sure that they’re not only choosing tools that work today, but that they have a good idea of where and how the tool(s) are evolving. And that they introduce you to tools that you might have never heard about because they might be a lot better for the job you’re about to undertake.

And don’t be surprised when multiple tools are recommended – that is actually pretty common!

Ready To Build Something?

Check out our no-code calculator - it can help you understand your all-in costs for your project.  It takes into account factors that most others forget or just ignore!

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